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Friday, July 15, 2011

Quiet Time

Spending quiet time with the Lord has become a very important part of my life. I began having quiet time in my early twenties and realized how vital it was for my life. This is a time where I spend reading a devotional along with my Bible and just time spent talking with the Lord and growing my relationship with Him.

Now that I am a wife and mother of two kids, it has been a bit harder to find this time. Ideally, I would like to spend the very first moments of the day with God, but sometimes that just doesn't happen. I have found that the kids nap time has been the best time  of the day for this because the house is quiet and  I can really focus in on the Lord and listening to what He has for me.

Right now, I am using two devotionals, both of which are fairly short readings. The first is Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. The second is Journey Magazine that can be ordered through Lifeway.com/journeymagazine.  Johnathan also has a daily quiet time and uses Stand Firm also from Lifeway ministries.

I have found that when I don't have my quiet times, I am a bit more irritable and less joyful and patient. When I can focus on the Lord and talk with Him, He fills me with joy and peace which allows me to get through the day with a better attitude and purpose. I really cherish my quiet times and hope that I can continue to make this a priority in my life.



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