I've recently taken up the sport of couponing and I have to admit, it's pretty enjoyable. I remember the days of single life, right out of college and working full-time. I would go shopping and get whatever my heart desired with no concept of looking at prices.
Oh how that changed when we got married and had kiddos and me staying home full-time. Johnathan and I attended a Dave Ramsey conference our church held and it was eye-opening. We now stick to a budget and uses a cash flow system. I ordered Dave's envelope system and really like it. We have envelopes for groceries, entertainment, for the kids and also for ourselves. We sit down when Johnathan gets paid and decide how much to delegate to each category.
When we lived in Cabot, I did all my grocery shopping at Kroger. I would look at their weekly sales ad and match up my coupons to what was on sale that week. Now in NWA, my new friends have told me that Walamrt matches other stores sales ads so I gave it a try this morning. For example, Walgreen's has Kellogg's cereals on sale 2 for 5. I took the ad with me and got 2 boxes of cereal which were over 3 bucks a box and got the Walgreen's price match. I also had a Kellogg's coupon for 75 cents off 2 boxes. I was pretty excited about the purchase.And when you shop with cash as opposed to using a debit card, your more likely to stick to your budget and list.
Check out Dave Ramsey's website for more info and tools at Dave Ramsey.com
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